Rabbit Vaccination

Rabbits should be vaccinated against 3 diseases: Myxomatosis, Viral Haemorrhagic Disease 1 and it’s variant Viral haemorrhagic Disease 2. Currently we do 2 injections. Myxo plus VHD1 in one injection and VHD2 in a second injection two weeks apart. These should be boosted yearly.

Remember that even in a very built up area the presence of railway tracks, parks and allotments can bring wild rabbits (the reservoir of infection) into close proximity to our pet rabbits.

Regular vaccination also gets your pet a regular health check at which time you can bring up any worries or concerns you have, early diagnosis of trouble can be made and treatment initiated before things go too far.

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Debbie Nuttall

Just a little thank you for trying so hard for Big Tom.

He had a good life with me, extra time if I hadn’t taken him in.

Such a lovely kindly cat

Thank you again

Julia, Ken Williamson and Family

To Alan and Staff

Thank you for looking after Molly while she was in your care. We all miss her.

Thank you for your card it was a very nice thought.

Kerry, Dave, Kelcie and Big “Woofs” From Gemma

To all the Team

A” huge thank you”

To you all for the care and support you have given us and Gemma.

It is very much appreciated