
Trade name for Ranitidine. This is a histamine receptor antagonist. It is used to block histamine induced gastric acid secretion. This is a useful drug when gastric ulceration is suspected and we see few if any ill effects

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Mr & Mrs Rogers

To Alan and all the staff at Margetts Surgery

Thank you so much for all the care and compassion to us on a dearly loved and missed Charlie.

Gail Hogg

I would like to thank Allan and all his staff for the kind care and consideration in looking after my Molley during and on the last few days of her little life.

Thank you so much

Debbie Nuttall

Just a little thank you for trying so hard for Big Tom.

He had a good life with me, extra time if I hadn’t taken him in.

Such a lovely kindly cat

Thank you again