
Trade name for Spironolactone. This is a moderately weak diuretic. Useful because it spares potassium – which must not get too low, and which may be driven low by other diuretics. Also its action as an aldosterone antagonist has in a round about way quite a marked influence on the progression of some myocardial diseases and it is becoming more and more popular in treatment of heart disease. It should not be used in any conditions which may cause hyperkalamia (too high potassium) such as Addisions disease and acute renal failure.

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Marjorie Hunter

Thank you for all you did for my budgie Alfie. The budgie you asked me to rehome is doing well and is very active and has settled in well his name is bobby.

The Whites

Thanks for all your kindness and looking after Archie towards the end of his life, it was much appreciated your kind words in the card too, he was our much loved pet and we miss him very much.

The Knight family

Thank you all so much for the care and compassion shown during poor George’s illness. We think you are all lovely caring people who work very well as a team.