
Basically solid “liquid” paraffin. (at room temperature solid and body temperature very slippery). Helps passage of stool in constipated states, but its main use is in helping eliminate hair balls in cats. Fur/Hair balls are a very common cause of vomiting in cats and katalax is a very civilised way of giving cats “liquid” paraffin. It has a flavour most cats do not mind and beats the hell out of giving cats liquid paraffin!

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Marjorie Hunter

Thank you for all you did for my budgie Alfie. The budgie you asked me to rehome is doing well and is very active and has settled in well his name is bobby.

Debbie Nuttall

Just a little thank you for trying so hard for Big Tom.

He had a good life with me, extra time if I hadn’t taken him in.

Such a lovely kindly cat

Thank you again

Becci and Harley Evans

To Alan, Fraser and Staff

Big thanks for all your help with making Harley Better. It has been a long road but I think were finally there.

Take Care