
This is a commonly used and excellent ear dressing. It contains two antibacterials (Diethanolamine Fusidate and Framycetin Sulphate), an antifungal (Nystatin) and an anti inflammatory Prednisolone)This is a combination of drugs very likely to work on most of the kinds of ear infections we are likely to meet in day to day ear care.

It should be thoroughly shaken before each application. After a week or two of treatment you will see the ears become very greasy but this is easily washed off once treatment ceases.

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Mr & Mrs Rogers

To Alan and all the staff at Margetts Surgery

Thank you so much for all the care and compassion to us on a dearly loved and missed Charlie.

Julia, Ken Williamson and Family

To Alan and Staff

Thank you for looking after Molly while she was in your care. We all miss her.

Thank you for your card it was a very nice thought.

Andy and Gloria Cunningham

To the vets and all the staff

Thank you for your kind wishes and supports in the recent losses of our dog Bruno and our cat Felix