Mammary Problems

It is normal for any bitch 2 months or so after a season to show signs of false pregnancy which include enlargement of the breasts and milk production. Any change other than this in breast tissue can be scary and is worth a visit to the Veterinarian.

Mammary growths / Cancer usually show as firm nodules in any of the breasts. These can be benign or malignant. In cats where they are more rare they are unfortunately more often malignant. Whatever they are they are best parted from their host as soon as possible and we would generally want to do early surgery on any breast lumps and want to send the lump for a pathologistʼs opinion.

Generally speaking make a fuss about breast lumps.

Mammary cancer is one of the chief reasons why you should have your bitch spayed. If done early before a bitch has a second season the chances of breast growths are very greatly reduced.

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Kerry, Dave, Kelcie and Big “Woofs” From Gemma

To all the Team

A” huge thank you”

To you all for the care and support you have given us and Gemma.

It is very much appreciated

Anne Sutton

A Note to thank you for all your efforts in trying to save my little cat, and the staff for there kindness when she was put to sleep

With gratitude, God bless

The Knight family

Thank you all so much for the care and compassion shown during poor George’s illness. We think you are all lovely caring people who work very well as a team.