Anal irritation

More common in dogs than in cats. Manifested by “scooting” bottoms along the floor. The commonest cause probably involves the anal glands – especially so in dogs. These scent glands sometimes over-fill and irritate. The veterinarian will release the pressure and the irritation ceases.

Worms are said to cause anal irritation and regular worming, say 3 monthly, will reduce this cause.

Any inflammation involving the anus or rectum may cause anal irritation. Anal growths may irritate. Diarrhoea may irritate the anus and any dried on faeces stuck to the anal fur may also irritate.

In all cases the veterinarian will be able to help.

Our veterinarians are all experienced general practitioners with a broad knowledge and
understanding of animal health, illness and injury.

Kelly and Family

To everyone who helped and gave me all the support I needed at the time of my lovely cat Tigers death.

Thank you, Tiger will always be in my heart

Jan and Colin Bunting

Dear Alan and Julie

Thank you for your Kindness and care over Gussie, we miss him very, very much. Thank you also to every one at the surgery for the lovely caring card.

Ellen and Beau And Kevin and Jenny and Daniel.

Dear Aaron

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my cat Beau.

He is a picture, although I can’t repay you I hope you like this gift.